Welcome to the COVID-19 Employer Workplace Guidance Course
The onset of the COVID-19 virus has changed the world in which we live and work in a very short period of time.
As your business prepares to reopen, there are a few things employers need to understand about their role in ensuring their employees remain healthy and safe.
This course is intended to share with employers guidance based upon published recommendations from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and is intended to help you plan for a safe return to work event.
Employers should use this planning guidance course to help identify risk levels in workplace settings and to determine any appropriate control measures that need to be implemented.
This course also presents OSHA and CDC recommended methods that you can use to limit the risk of exposure your employees will have to the COVID-19 virus.
Additional guidance may be provided by the Federal Government, State and Local authorities. You should familiarize yourself and your staff with the location of this information and should check it frequently for updates.
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